Bad Joke Cracker

Goth Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

Generate your own...
Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's a goth's favourite film?
Black to the Future

What's a goth's favourite film?
Full Metal Blacket

What does a goth like to wear?
A leather Blacket

What does a goth eat for breakfast?
Apple Blacks

What's a goth's favourite dessert?
Black Forest Gateau

What's a goth's favourite album?
Blood On The Blacks

What does a goth eat for dinner?
Black-Eyed Peas

What's a goth's favourite film?
The Last Picture Eyeshadow

What's a goth's favourite film?
Dr. Strangelove or: Eyeshadow I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

What does a goth eat for dinner?
Kung Pao Black Lipsticken

What does a goth eat for dinner?
Couscous Black Lipstickpea Salad

What's a goth's favourite film?
Miserable con ella

What sport does a goth enjoy?
Miserable tennis

Who is a goth's favourite poet?
Palexander Pope

What's a goth's favourite book?
A Pale Of Two Cities

What's a goth's favourite book?
Suicideshead Revisited

What's a goth's favourite album?
Dark Suicide Of The Moon

What's a goth's favourite film?
The Princess Suicide

What's a goth's favourite book?
Suicide and Prejudice

What's a goth's favourite book?
Emoirs Of A Geisha