Bad Joke Cracker

Pirate Jokes from the Bad Joke Generator

Generate your own...
Just enter any subject (eg. "a ninja", "George W Bush"), and a comma-separated list of words or phrases related to that subject.
... is a LiveJournal username. lj
List of keywords:
Tip: Because the Generator uses comma separated lists, you can cut and paste a list of synonyms from, or anywhere else that's useful.

What's a pirate's favourite book?
The Eyepatcher in the Rye

What's a pirate's favourite dessert?
Cutlassion Cake

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Butch Cutlassidy and the Sundance Kid

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Some Like It Parrot

What's a pirate's favourite film?

What brand of mobile phone does a pirate use?

Where does a pirate go on holiday?
Parrote D'Ivoire

Where does a pirate go on holiday?

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Eternal Sunshine of the Parrotless Mind

What's a pirate's favourite book?
Harry Parrotter and the Goblet of Fire

What's a pirate's favourite song?
Parrotel California

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Battleship Parrotemkin

What's a pirate's favourite dessert?
Parrotted Dick

What's a pirate's favourite web site?

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Reservoir Grogs

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Grog Day Afternoon

What's a pirate's favourite film?
2001: A Mainbrace Odyssey

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Arsenic and Old Mainbrace

Who is a pirate's favourite poet?
E. E. Rummings

What's a pirate's favourite film?
Hotel Treasure Islanda